Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+3700.

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U+3702used in girl's name
U+3703from; by; whence, to undertake; to manage, to follow
U+3704last name (refer to 千家姓)
U+3705to fawn on; to flatter, to love, attractive, jealous; envy; jealousy
U+3706commonly known as mother in Wu
U+3707unhappy, girlish
U+3708a beaugiful face (of a woman); pretty
U+3709womanly, used in girl's name
U+370Aexquisite; fine
U+370Bused in girl's name
U+370Ca different name for breasts, to breast-feed; to feed a baby with milk, stingy; niggardly; miserly
U+370Dused in girl's name
U+370Eslave girls, lacking in courage; nervous, a jealous woman
U+370F(the large seal type 妘) last name, used in girl's name
U+3710used in girl's name
U+3711(same as 婆) an older woman, mother of one's husband, one's grandmother
U+3712maternal grandmother, a midwife, an old woman
U+3715(same as 連) relatives through marriage
U+3716exquisite; fine
U+3717covetousness; greed; cupidity; avarice, licentious; obscene; to seduce
U+3718delicated; lovely; beautiful, spoiled, jealous; to envy; jealousy, used in girl's name
U+3719used in girl's name
U+371Aa local government post in ancient times
U+371B(non-classical form of U+5A86) soft; gentle, attractive (same as 嫩) soft and tender, delicate, weak
U+371C(ancient form form of 傲) proud; haughty; overbearing rude
U+371Dto cherish anger, hard to understand, pretty, dignified; solemn, to make sheep eyes or passes; to converse with eyes
U+371Ebeautiful; pretty, used in girl's name
U+3720used in girl's name
U+3721used in girl's name
U+3722a bad term by which one addresses a woman
U+3723a last name, carriage; deportment; bearing; poise (of a woman)
U+3724fooling around, weak, (said of a woman's figure) slender; thin and long, used in girl's name
U+3725crafty; artiful
U+3726used in girl's name
U+3727plump, womanly
U+3728beautiful; pretty
U+3729jealous; to envy; jealously
U+372A(same as 嫀) name of a family or a clan, name of country (in ancient times)
U+372B(same as 媄) pretty; beautiful
U+372Eto go beyond normal limit; excessive; out of control, to covet; greedy, to be impolite, used in girl's name
U+372Fa word to designate woman, a word of revile used to call a woman
U+3730exquisite; fine
U+3731used in girl's name, soft and tender
U+3732(non-classical form of 嬴) to have surplus; full; an overplus, to open out; to produce, a family name
U+3733peaceful; joyful
U+3734(non-classical from of 瞢) dark and obscure, obscure; not bright, used in girl's name, good; fine
U+3735(said of a woman) with a charming sprightly carriage; slim; delicate and beautiful
U+3736a (married) couple
U+3737milk, the breasts of a woman, to suckle, word of respect for women, (for Qi's people) mother, used in girl's name
U+3738(non-classical form of 孽) sin; evil; retribution, the son of a concubine
U+3739name of a folk song in ancient times, used in girl's name
U+373Awhite color; no respect; imprudent; (Cant.) interesting, good
U+373B(non-classical form of 孌) (interchangeable 戀) to admire; to remember (old days, etc.), exquisite; fine, to obey; obedient; to comply, (same as 奱) to bind; binding, used in girl's name
U+373C(same as 姪) children of one's brother -- nephews or nieces, I; me (when speaking to a family friend of father's generation)
U+373D(ancient form of 子) child, seed, 1st terrestrial branch
U+373E(same as 孩) a child; an infant, young; small
U+373Fname of a fish in legend, spawn, or roe
U+3740(same as 好) to like; to love; to be fond of
U+3741(same as 嬛) lonely; solitary, exquisite; fine, to worship with reverence
U+3742locust, larva of Chilo simplex; a kind of moth
U+3743(same as U+5A29 娩) to bear a son; to give birth
U+3744(ancient form of 純) pure, sincere; honest; faithoful
U+3745to give suck to, infant; baby, igorant; stupid, prudent; cautious
U+3747(same as 鶉) quail
U+3748(same as 孿) twin
U+3749(same as 宁) space between the throne and the retiring room behind it, to store up; to save up, peaceful, used as a term of comparison
U+374A(same as 守) to guide; to watch, to wait, to keep
U+374C(same as 疚) prolonged illness, mental discomfort, to stay in one place for a long period
U+374D(simplified form of 寫) to write; to draw
U+374E(same as 定) to decide; to fix; to settle
U+374F(same as 介) alone; solitary, to live alone
U+3750(ancient form of 容) face; expression, to contain; to hold; to pardon
U+3751(ancient form of 旁) side, by the side of; nearby
U+3752(ancient form of 居) to dwell; to occupy to inhabit, a Chinese family name
U+3753corresponding; equivalent, cosiderable; to a great extent, appropriate, (same as 凹) a hollow, concave
U+3754deep bottom; the southeast corner of a house
U+3755(same as 寍 寧) peace; serenity, used as a term of comparison: -- rather; it is better, would that
U+3756(corrupted form) right; fitting; proper; good, should; ought to; had better
U+3757spaciously rooms, expansive; vast and boundless
U+3758(non-classical form) harmonoy; peace, pleasant; agreeable; delightful
U+3759(ancient form of 寅) the third of the twelve terrestrial branches, a fellow officer, horary sign (for period from 3 to 5 a.m.)
U+375B(ancient form of 宿) ahalting place; to lodge for the night, to keep over night, to cherish, asleep and perching
U+375Cnight; dark; darkness, of death, to mourn, to lose; to deprived of
U+375Ddeep, profound, far, extremely
U+375Epretend to be delicate and beautiful, to hang or be hanged, to be in suspension; unfounded
U+375F(corrupted form) in contravention of; to offend (same as 冒) incautious, to risk, to put forth
U+3760(same as 冥) dark; obscure; dim, stupidity, far and high, deep; profound, night
U+3761(a variant of 最) very; exceedingly; most, superior
U+3762(same as 宇) a house; a roof, look; appearance, space
U+3763still; calm; silent, peaceful; harmonious; serene, quite
U+3764night, the dark part of a room
U+3765have a nighmare, sound sleep
U+3766to accumulate; to amass; to store up, superior, handsome, refined, eminent
U+3767(non-classical form of 穩) stable; steady; firm, sure; secure
U+3769spaciously rooms, emptiness
U+376Aa slanting house, nightmare
U+376Bshape of the sky
U+376D(non-classical form) to awake ( from errors, illusions, etc. to come to one's sense, (interchangeable 惺) clever; wise, wavering; indecisive
U+376Eto exile; to banish, beyond the borders
U+376Fto sojourn; sojourn, a sojourner; a visitor
U+3770unable to meet, empty room
U+3771(standard form) a dream; todream, visionary, stupid
U+3772(same as 寢) to sleep; to rest, a tomb, a residence
U+3774(same as 刓) a round off; to trim
U+3775(ancient form of U+5F97 得) to get, complacent, (same as U+7919 礙) to obstruct, to hinder, to stop progress, to injure, to offend, to concern, hindrance, restraint
U+3776(ancient form of 得) to get, complacent
U+3778(same as 弁) a conical cap worn on ceremonious occasions in ancient times, low-ranking military officers, a Chinese family name
U+3779(corrupted form) a hare, a small rabbit, a family name
U+377Asmall; little, humble, to owe, deficient; lacking
U+377B(same as U+50C5 僅) barely enough; scarcely; almost
U+377Ccrooked; winding, to circle; to hover around
U+377Dshort, small; little
U+377Ecan not walk normally
U+377F(non-classical form of 跛)lame; crippled
U+3780to bump, to strike
U+3781can not walk normally, swollen feet
U+3782ulcers, swollen feet, a kind of disease
U+3783tired; weary
U+3784lame; crippled; feeble
U+3785not straight, improper
U+3786(same as 踦)one-legged, crippled; halt, a defect, tired, the shin
U+3787ulcers, swollen feet, a kind of disease (abnornal in walking)
U+3788big foot, walking
U+3789big foot
U+378Aunable to walk
U+378Bsoft and meek, weak, to arrange, to regulate
U+378C(same as 孕) to be pregnant; to conceive
U+378E(baby talk) body waste, (a dialect) weight measurement
U+378Fsmall; to store up or pile in order, to follow; to trace, a short step
U+3790(an ancient form of U+5C45 居), to dewell; to remain, to be in--of various states and conditions, to occupy, the course of one's life
U+3791(standard form of 尾) the tail; the rear, last; final
U+3792(standard form) lusty; strong; gigantic strength, heavy sleep with snoring
U+3793the buttocks; the rump; the sacrum, to set sideways, the male organ; (Cant.) vulgar term for the female sex organ
U+3794(corrupted form) the upright bar for fastening a door
U+3795(same as 屑) chips; crumbs; bits trifles, to care; to mind
U+3796this, here, if so; in this case, reluctant to go forward
U+3797the male organ, obscene language; vulgar expression
U+3798(non-classical form of U+8C5A 豚) a small pig; (Cant.) end, bottom, rump
U+3799(same as 尿) urine; to urinate
U+379Ato pile up layer by layer, wedge, gatepost
U+379Bred slippers, (corrupted form of 履) shoes
U+379Chempen sandals, boots
U+379Fsavings and (or) reserves; (same as U+5960 奠) to settle; to lay; (same as U+588A 墊) to advance (money), to cushion, to sink into; (said of manner) dignified; stately; graceful
U+37A0male organ
U+37A1(same as 展) to open, to stretch, to unfold, to expand
U+37A2(ancient form of 之) to arrive at; to go to
U+37A3(same as 芬) fragrance; aroma; sweet smell; perfume
U+37A4to help; to aid; toassist (ancient form of 岑) a relatively high, pointed hill, silent; still; quiet
U+37A5deep in the mountain
U+37A6name of a mountain
U+37A7(ancient form of 會) to meet, to gather, to be able, to understand
U+37A8(corrupted form) name of a mountain ( the location is unknown)
U+37A9(same as 嵐) mountain vapor; mist
U+37AAthe appearance of the mountain is flat and smooth, (corrupted form of 峱) name of a mountain in Shandong province
U+37AB(non-classcial form of 走) to walk, to run, to leave
U+37ACclose or near
U+37ADname of an island
U+37AEvariant of 出 U+51FA, to go out, send out; to stand; to produce
U+37AF(same as 岊) the turning area of a mountain, mountain top; summit, a high mountain, a bare (of bald) mountain or hill
U+37B0name of a mountain
U+37B1dusk; twilight
U+37B2name of a mountain, the plain between mountains
U+37B3name of a mountain
U+37B4name of a mountain, (non-classical form of 岷) the Min River (in Sichuan), Mt.Min (in Sichuan), name of a county (in old China)
U+37B5(corrupted form) frivolous; flippant; capricious; plyful; sportive, cunning
U+37B6(same as 岷) the Min River (in Sichuan), Mt.Min (in Sichuan), name of a county (in old China)
U+37B7luxuiant; lush; flourishing
U+37B8(same as 呡) (simplified form of 歲) a year; age (of a person), harvest
U+37B9(same as 岢) name of a mountain in Shanxi province
U+37BA(ancient form of 族) a tribe; a clan; relatives, race (of people), a class; a family (of animals)
U+37BBname of a mountain
U+37BC(same as 丞) to respectfully receive, to flatter; to pay court to
U+37BDmountain; hill
U+37BE(same as 尼) a nun, the mountains after which Confucius was named
U+37BF(same as 岐) name of a mountain in Shanxi province, name of a political district in ancient China, name of a river in Shanxi province, to diverge; to branch
U+37C0name of a mountain
U+37C1(a variant of 岸) shore; bank; beach; coast
U+37C2name of cape in Shandong Province
U+37C3(corrupted form of 司) to have charge of; to preside over, a (governmental) department
U+37C4name of a mountain
U+37C5lofty; high; steep
U+37C6name of a mountain
U+37C7a land-slide, name of mountain
U+37C8name of a mountain
U+37C9name of pavilion (garden) in ancient China, name of a mountain
U+37CAname of a mountain
U+37CBdeep and level ground gully at the foot of a hill
U+37CCa mountain in today's Sichuan Province
U+37CDname of a mountain, a solitary peak
U+37CEa long mountain ridge, steep; lofty mountain
U+37CFsteep and lofty, a big valley
U+37D0big and high; lofty; steep
U+37D1mountain; hill
U+37D2mountains adjoining; mountains are unbroken connceted, name of a mountain
U+37D3lofty and dangerous, rocks on the mountain side
U+37D4steep and lofty, a big valley
U+37D6a dialect of minority (Zhuang); the plain; level ground between rocky mountain, name of county
U+37D7name of a small principality in what is now Shanxi, the home of the founder of the Zhou dynasty
U+37D8name of a mountain
U+37D9shape of the mountain, a mountain in today's Shandong Province
U+37DA(same as 岐) name of a mountain in Shanxi Province, name of a political district in ancient China, name of a river in Shanxi province, to diverge; to branch
U+37DBhigh and steep; lofty
U+37DC(non-classical and abbreviated form) shape of the mountain
U+37DD(same as 培) to bank up with earth, to nourish; to strengthen; to cultivate
U+37DEprecipitous and lofty; very steep mountains
U+37DF(same as 巷) a lane; an alley
U+37E0(same as 岡) ridge (o f a hill or mountain)
U+37E2the rocks on the hills are of different shapes; rugged and weird, character different from others
U+37E4(a dialect) zhuang (a minority ethnic group) in Guangxi, said of the level ground; plain between mountains
U+37E5(simplified form of 嵾) uneven; rolling; rough; rugged, name of a mountain ( Wudangshan)
U+37E6name of a mountain
U+37E7a cliff; a precipice
U+37E8a fountain in the side of a hill, name of a mountain
U+37E9(same as 岷) the Min River (in Sichuan), Mt.Min (in Sichuan), name of a county (in old China)
U+37EAname of a mountain, loftyand steep; high
U+37EB(same as 泉) spring; fountain, money (archaic)
U+37ECa mountain in today's Shandong Province southwest of Mengyin county
U+37ED(same as 岷) the Min River (in Sichuan), Mt.Min (in Sichuan), name of a county (in old China)
U+37EElofty; high
U+37F0name of a mountain; lofty, steep
U+37F1shape of a mountain
U+37F2mountain peak; mountain top; summit
U+37F3name of a mountain
U+37F4lump on the hills, rugged; rough; rough, lofty; steep, the dejection one feels at heart
U+37F5(non-classical form of 岡) ridge (of a hill or mountain)
U+37F6mountain peak; mountain top; summit
U+37F7a wart; a pustule; a pimple, a round lump
U+37F8(non-classical form) name of pavilion (garden) in ancient China, name of a mountain
U+37F9the appearance of a mountain is lofty and steep and profound
U+37FAmountain top; summit
U+37FB(same as 塹) the moat around a city, a pit; a hole or cavity in the ground (same as 嶄) (of a mountain) high and pointed, novel; new
U+37FCname of a place in Shandong Province, mountain with lots of small rocks
U+37FDmountain top; summit, pointing mountain
U+37FEname of a mountain in county Jian
U+37FFhigh and steep, name of a mountain

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