Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+5100.

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U+5100ceremony, rites gifts; admire
U+5101outstanding, fine; superior; talented, capable; handsome
U+5102I; you; family name
U+5104hundred million; many
U+5106warn; warning
U+5107clever, nimble
U+5108go-between, broker, proxy
U+5109temperate, frugal, economical
U+510Arough and rugged
U+510Ba small jar; to bear a burden; a load of two
U+510Clucky, fortunate
U+510Dfoolish, silly, an imbecile
U+510Ecarry, contain, load
U+5110entertain guests
U+5112Confucian scholar
U+5114companion, mate, colleague
U+5115a company, companion; together
U+5117compare with, draw analogy with
U+511A(J) equivalent to 果敢 U+679C U+6562, fleeting, momentary, ephemeral; vain, empty; fickle
U+511Bto skip about, to dance for joy
U+511Cweak; wearied; in distress
U+511Frepay, recompense; restitution
U+5121puppet, dummy
U+5124on duty
U+512Asuperior, excellent; actor
U+512Dto assist; to give alms
U+5131rude; barbarous
U+5132to save money, store, reserve; an heir
U+5133obstinate; stupid; uneven; mix
U+5136valiant, brave; eminent
U+5137spouse, couple, pair
U+5138bandit, daredevil
U+5139to accumulate, to hoard, to store up
U+513Cgrave, respectful, majestic
U+513Dlazy; tired out, worn fatigued
U+513Eslow, dull; irresolute
U+513Fson, child; KangXi radical 10
U+5140to cut off the feet
U+5141to grant, to allow, to consent
U+5142hairpin, clasp; wear in hair
U+5143first; dollar; origin; head
U+5144elder brother
U+5145fill, be full, supply
U+5146omen; million; mega; also trillion. China = million; Japan and Taiwan = trillion
U+5147atrocious, ferocious, brutal
U+5148first, former, previous
U+5149light, brilliant, shine; only
U+514Bgram; overcome; transliteration
U+514Ccash; exchange, barter; weight
U+514Dspare; excuse from; evade
U+514Erabbit, hare
U+5150son, child, oneself; final part
U+5151cash; exchange
U+5152son, child, oneself; final part
U+5154rabbit, hare
U+5155a female rhinoceros
U+5156establish; one of nine empire divisions
U+5157establish; one of nine empire divisions
U+515Apolitical party, gang, faction
U+515Fto advance
U+5161mercury (chemical element)
U+5162fearful, cautious, wary
U+5163decigram; cg
U+5165enter, come in(to), join
U+5167inside, interior; domestic
U+5168maintain, keep whole or intact
U+5169two, both, pair, couple; ounce
U+516Asurname; consent
U+516Beight; all around, all sides
U+516Cfair, equitable; public; duke
U+516Dnumber six
U+516Eexclamatory particle
U+5170orchid; elegant, graceful
U+5171together with, all, total; to share
U+5172heaven; sky
U+5173frontier pass; close; relation
U+5174thrive, prosper, flourish
U+5175soldier, troops
U+5176his, her, its, their; that
U+5177tool, implement; draw up, write
U+5178law, canon; documentation; classic, scripture
U+5179now, here; this; time, year
U+517Braise, rear, bring up; support
U+517Cunite, combine; connect; and
U+517Dbeast, animal; bestial
U+517Esame as 冀 U+5180 to hope for; to wish
U+5180hope for; wish; Hebei province
U+5182wide; KangXi radical 13
U+5184tender; weak; gradually alterrrrating
U+5187(Cant.) have not
U+5188ridge or crest of hill
U+5189tender; weak; proceed gradually
U+518Abook, volume
U+518Ba desert, a border
U+518Cbook, volume, register, list
U+518Dagain, twice, re-
U+5190risk, brave, dare
U+5192risk, brave, dare
U+5193a secluded place; secret cabinet
U+5194cap worn during the Yin dynasty
U+5195crown; ceremonial cap
U+5196cover; KangXi radical 14
U+5197excessive; superfluous
U+5198to move on; coubtful
U+5199write; draw, sketch; compose
U+519A(Cant.) cover, lid
U+519Barmy, military; soldiers, troops
U+519Cagriculture, farming; farmer
U+519Dsuitable, right, fitting, proper
U+51A0cap, crown, headgear
U+51A2burial mound, mausoleum; grand
U+51A4grievance, injustice, wrong
U+51A5dark, gloomy, night; deep
U+51A6bandits, thieves; enemy; invade
U+51A7(Cant.) a bud; to bend; phonetic 'num' as in 'number'
U+51A8abundant, ample; rich, wealthy
U+51A9write; draw, sketch; compose
U+51AAcover-cloth, cover with cloth
U+51ABice; KangXi radical 15
U+51ACwinter, 11th lunar month
U+51AFsurname; gallop; by dint of
U+51B0ice; ice-cold
U+51B1freezing; stopped up, closed off
U+51B2soar; pour boiling water over
U+51B3decide, determine, judge
U+51B4freezing; stopped up, closed off
U+51B5condition, situation; furthermore
U+51B6smelt, fuse metals; cast, found
U+51B7cold, cool; lonely
U+51BBfreeze; cold, congeal; jelly
U+51BDcold and raw; pure, clear
U+51C0clean, pure; cleanse
U+51C2to request; to ask a favour of
U+51C3mud; surname
U+51C4bitter cold, miserable, dreary
U+51C5dried up; exhausted, tired; dry
U+51C6approve, allow, permit; in accord
U+51C7dewdrop; icicle
U+51C8clean, pure; cleanse
U+51C9cool, cold; disheartened
U+51CBbe withered, fallen; exhausted
U+51CCpure; virtuous; insult; maltreat
U+51CDfreeze; cold, congeal; jelly
U+51CFdecrease, subtract, diminish
U+51D1piece together, assemble
U+51D3shiver; severe cold
U+51D6rule, guideline, standard
U+51D9an icicle
U+51DAcold; chilly
U+51DBto shiver with cold or fear
U+51DCshiver with cold or fear, fearful
U+51DDcoagulate; congeal; freeze
U+51DEbright, splendid, glorious
U+51DFto be rude to, to annoy, to profane; to trouble, to harass
U+51E0small table
U+51E1all, any, every; ordinary, common
U+51E2all, any, every; ordinary, common
U+51E3all; common; general; every, whenever; generally
U+51E4male phoenix; symbol of joy
U+51E5to dwell
U+51E6place, locale; department
U+51E8wind; air; manners, atmosphere
U+51E9wintry wind
U+51EAcalm, lull
U+51EBwild duck, teal; swim
U+51EDlean on, depend on, rely on
U+51EFtriumphant; triumph, victory
U+51F0female phoenix
U+51F1triumphant; triumph, victory
U+51F3bench; stool
U+51F4to rely on, depend on; evidence, proof
U+51F5receptacle; KangXi radical 17
U+51F6culprit; murder; bad, sad
U+51F7dirt clod; piece
U+51F8protrude, bulge out, convex
U+51F9concave, hollow, depressed; a pass, valley
U+51FAgo out, send out; stand; produce
U+51FBstrike, hit, beat; attack, fight
U+51FCditch; pool
U+51FDcorrespondence; a case; a box
U+51FEcorrespondence; a case; a box
U+51FFchisel; bore, pierce

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