Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+6500.

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U+6500climb; pull; hang on to
U+6502to beat a drum
U+6504spread, disperse; vent, set forth
U+6505save, hoard
U+6506drive away, expel, oust
U+6509to beckon; to urge
U+650Bto clutch; to grab at; to rub or scrape; to tear; (Cant.) to leave behind, omit
U+650Fcollect, bring together
U+6512save, hoard
U+6514obstruct, impede, bar, hinder
U+6516oppose, offend, run counter to
U+6518seize, take by force; repel
U+6519to give a helping hand; to support, hold up
U+651Bhurry; to throw; to urge; (Cant.) to seduce
U+651Clead by hand, take with; carry
U+651Dtake in, absorb; act as deputy; administer, assist
U+651Eto split, to rend; to choose to rub, to wipe
U+6522save, hoard
U+6523tangled; entwined; crooked
U+6524spread out, open; apportion
U+6529obstruct, impede; stop; resist
U+652Adisturb, agitate, stir up
U+652Bsnatch away, seize; catch with
U+652Cgrasp, take hold of; monopolize
U+652Eto fend off; to stab
U+652Fdisperse, pay; support; branch
U+6530totally exhausted
U+6532up; uneven
U+6534rap, tap lightly; KangXi radical 66
U+6535rap, tap; radical number 66
U+6536gather together, collect; harvest
U+6537examine, test; investigate
U+6538distant, far; adverbial prefix
U+6539change, alter; improve, remodel
U+653Battack, assault; criticize
U+653Eput, release, free, liberate
U+653Fgovernment, political affairs
U+6541to weigh in the hand, to estimate; to shake
U+6543strong; robust; vigorous
U+6544to put forth effort
U+6545ancient, old; reason, because
U+6548result, effect; effectiveness
U+6549pacify, soothe, stabilize
U+654Bto strike
U+654Cenemy, foe, rival; resist
U+654Dexpress, state, relate, narrate
U+654Ffast, quick, clever, smart
U+6551save, rescue, relieve; help, aid
U+6555an imperial order or decree
U+6556ramble, play about; leisurely; surname
U+6557be defeated, decline, fail
U+6558express, state, relate, narrate
U+6559teach, class
U+655Bdraw back, fold back; collect
U+655Cfill up
U+655Dbreak, destroy; broken, tattered
U+655Eroomy, spacious, open, broad
U+6560to weigh; cut; come without being invited
U+6562to dare, venture; bold, brave
U+6563scatter, disperse, break up
U+6566esteem; honest, candid, sincere
U+6567to pick up thing with chopsticks or pincers.
U+656Ato weigh; cut; come without being invited
U+656Bancient musical instrument
U+656Crespect, honor; respectfully
U+656Dscatter, spread; praise; raise
U+656Fto defy, dare; strong; to suffocate
U+6570number; several, count; fate
U+6572strike, beat, pound, hammer; rap
U+6573to govern forcefully
U+6574orderly, neat, tidy; whole
U+6575enemy, foe, rival; resist
U+6577spread, diffuse; apply, paint
U+6578number; several; count; fate
U+6579to sew; keep tidy and repaired
U+657Aexpel, drive away; beat, assault
U+657Blong, faraway; pre-eminent
U+657Eto rule
U+6581dislike; be weary of; explain
U+6582draw back, fold back; collect
U+6583kill; die violent death
U+6585teach, instruct; be aroused; awake; intelligent
U+6586teach, instruct; be aroused; awake; intelligent
U+6587literature, culture, writing
U+6588learning, knowledge; school
U+6589even, uniform, of equal length
U+658Bvegetarian diet; study
U+658Crefined, having both appearance
U+658Dto perceive, feel
U+658Evegetarian diet; study
U+6590graceful, elegant, beautiful
U+6591mottled, striped, freckle
U+6592variegated; striped; marbled
U+6597Chinese peck; liquid measure
U+6599consider, conjecture; materials, ingredients
U+659Aa small cup of stone with ears, used in ancient times for libations
U+659Bdry measure equal to some five or ten dou (U+6597 舒)
U+659Cslanting, sloping, inclined
U+659Dsmall jade wine cup
U+659Ea stack of grain; a measure of 16 dou3
U+659Fto pour wine or tea into a cup; to gauge
U+65A1revolve, rotate, turn
U+65A4a catty (approximately 500 g); an axe; keen, shrewd; KangXi radical number 69
U+65A5to scold, upbraid, accuse, reproach
U+65A7axe, hatchet; chop, hew
U+65A9cut, chop, sever; behead
U+65ABcut, chop, lop off
U+65ACcut, chop, sever; behead
U+65ADsever, cut off; interrupt
U+65AEcut off
U+65AFthis, thus, such; to lop off; emphatic particle
U+65B0new, recent, fresh, modern
U+65B2cut, chop, hack
U+65B4the sound of water flowing among rocks
U+65B5to cut to pieces; to hack; to chop or hew; to carve for ornaments
U+65B7sever, cut off; interrupt
U+65B9a square, rectangle; a region; local
U+65BCin, at, on; interjection alas!
U+65BDgrant, bestow; give; act; name
U+65BEa pennon; a streamer
U+65BFto swim; to move or rove freely
U+65C0place name
U+65C1side; by side, close by, near
U+65C3silk banner with bent pole
U+65C4a kind of ancient flag; old
U+65C5trip, journey; travel; traveler
U+65C6flag ornament; flags, banners
U+65C8fringes of pearls on crowns; a pennant
U+65C9to state to, to announce
U+65CBrevolve, move in orbit; return
U+65CCbanner or flag adorned with feathers; to signal
U+65CEfluttering of flag; romantic
U+65CFa family clan, ethnic group, tribe
U+65D0an embroidered pennant
U+65D2fringes of pearls on crowns
U+65D3serrated edges on a Chinese flag
U+65D5place name
U+65D6romantic; tender; charming
U+65D7banner, flag, streamer
U+65D8a pennon; a flag. to fasten
U+65D9a pennant, a banner
U+65DBa pennant, a banner
U+65DDbanner, flag, streamer; insignia
U+65DFan military flag oa standard
U+65E0negative, no, not; KangXi radical 7
U+65E1choke on something eaten
U+65E2already; de facto; since; then
U+65E3already; de facto; since; then
U+65E5sun; day; daytime
U+65E6dawn; morning; day
U+65E7old, ancient; former, past
U+65E8purpose, aim; excellent
U+65E9early; soon; morning
U+65EAunited in; agreement; mutual aid
U+65ECten-day period; period of time
U+65EDrising sun; brilliance; radiant
U+65F0sunset, dusk; evening
U+65F1drought; dry; dry land
U+65F6time, season; era, age, period
U+65F7extensive, wide, broad; empty
U+65F8rising sun; sunshine
U+65F9time, season; era, age, period
U+65FAprosper; prosperous; increase
U+65FCgentle and affable
U+65FDmorning sun, sunrise

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