Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+6E00.

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U+6E05clear, pure, clean; peaceful
U+6E08help, aid, relieve; ferry, cross
U+6E09ford stream
U+6E0Asurge up, bubble up, gush forth
U+6E0Bastringent; harsh; uneven, rough
U+6E0Dsoak, steep; dye; stains; sodden
U+6E0Editch, sluice, gutter, drain
U+6E11name of a river in Shandong
U+6E13mountain stream, creek
U+6E14to fish; seize; pursue; surname
U+6E15surge up, bubble up, gush forth
U+6E16juice; liquid; water; to leak, pour
U+6E17soak through, infiltrate
U+6E19scatter; scattered, dispersed
U+6E1Asmall sand bank, islet
U+6E1Bdecrease, subtract, diminish
U+6E1Dchange; chongqing
U+6E1F(of water) not flowing; clear
U+6E20ditch, canal, channel, gutter
U+6E21cross, ferry over; ferry
U+6E22pleasant sound
U+6E23refuse, dregs, lees, sediment
U+6E24swelling; the Gulf of Hopei (Hebei)
U+6E25moisten, soak; great, deep; dye; to enrich
U+6E26swirl, whirlpool, eddy
U+6E27to drop, as liquids; a drop
U+6E28a cove, a bay; a bend or nook in the hills; the curve of a bow
U+6E2Bbeating of ocean; surging of wate
U+6E2Cmeasure, estimate, conjecture
U+6E2Dname of a river in Shanxi
U+6E2Eriver in Shandong province
U+6E2Fport, harbor; small stream; bay
U+6E30(of cloud) forming or rising
U+6E32add repeated washes of color
U+6E34thirsty, parched; yearn, pine
U+6E38to swim; float, drift; wander, roam
U+6E39roar, crash
U+6E3Aendlessly long, boundless, vast
U+6E3Emuddy, turbid; blend, merge, mix
U+6E43sound of waves; turbulent
U+6E44water's edge, shore, bank
U+6E45boil silk
U+6E46(Cant.) sticky, not smooth, slow
U+6E4Apiece together, assemble
U+6E4Briver in Shanxi province
U+6E4Drapid water current, rapids
U+6E4Eflushed with drink, drunk
U+6E4Fwash face; erroneously borrowed for DKW 43352 'necessary, must'
U+6E51to strain spirits; river in Guangxi; abundant; bright
U+6E53an affluent of the River Yangtze near Kiukiang
U+6E54wash, cleanse; purge
U+6E56a lake; Hubei, Hunan; bluish-green
U+6E58Hunan province
U+6E5Bdeep; profound; clear; tranquil, placid
U+6E5Ctransparent, clear
U+6E5Eriver in Guangdong province
U+6E5Friver in qinghai province
U+6E62bathroom; neat; orderly
U+6E63mixed, confused; pity
U+6E67well up; gush forth; rise
U+6E69muddy, turbid; milk
U+6E6Ba small pond; a damp and narrow place
U+6E6Ebury, sink, block up; stain
U+6E6Fhot water; soup, gravy, broth
U+6E71sound of water
U+6E74(Cant.) mud, mire
U+6E7Bpure, unmixed, genuine; honest
U+6E7Cblack mud; slime
U+6E7Ebay, cove, inlet, bend of stream
U+6E7F湿wet, moist, humid, damp; illness
U+6E80fullness, enough; pride
U+6E83flooding river; militarily defeat
U+6E85sprinkle, spray; spill, splash
U+6E86river in Hunan
U+6E88name of a river in Shanxi
U+6E89water, irrigate, flood; wash
U+6E8Cpour, splash, water, sprinkle
U+6E8Eriver in Guangxi province
U+6E8Fpool; not hardened, semi-soft
U+6E90spring; source, head; surname
U+6E96rule, guideline, standard
U+6E98abruptly, suddenly, unexpectedly
U+6E9A(Cant.) to get wet by rain; to drip
U+6E9Cslide, glide, slip; slippery
U+6E9Dditch, drain, narrow waterway
U+6E9Fdrizzling rain; dark, obscure
U+6EA0river in Hubei province
U+6EA2overflow, brim over; full
U+6EA5big, great, vast, wide; widespread
U+6EA6drizzle; (variant) valley; (variant) mold
U+6EA7river in Anhui and Jiangsu provinces
U+6EAAmountain stream, creek
U+6EABlukewarm, warm; tepid, mild
U+6EAEriver in Henan province
U+6EAFgo upstream, go against current; formerly
U+6EB1river in Henan
U+6EB2urinate; soak, drench
U+6EB6to melt, dissolve; overflowing with
U+6EB7privy, latrine; turbid, dirty
U+6EBAdrown; submerge in water; indulge
U+6EBCdamp, moist; dampness, moisture
U+6EBDmoist, humid, muggy
U+6EC1district in Anhui province
U+6EC2torrential; voluminous
U+6EC3swelling, rising, dispersing
U+6EC4blue, dark green; cold
U+6EC5extinguish; wipe out, exterminate
U+6EC7Yunnan province
U+6ECAa river name; a long rain
U+6ECBgrow, multiply, increase; thrive
U+6ECCwash, cleanse, purify; sweep
U+6ECEcounty in Henan; rising and dashing of waves
U+6ED0(Cant.) dense, thick, viscous
U+6ED1slip, slide; slippery, polished
U+6ED3sediment, lees, dregs
U+6ED4overflow; rushing water, a torrent
U+6ED5an ancient state in Shandong province; water bursting forth
U+6ED8a branching river (used in place names)
U+6ED9waters converging to one spot; whirling waters; to remit money
U+6EDDonomatopoeic for the sound of falling rain; an ancient name for Wu Shui; a place in Guangdong
U+6EDEblock up, obstruct; stagnant
U+6EDFoverflowing, billowing; wavy
U+6EE0river in Hubei province
U+6EE1fill; full, satisfied
U+6EE2clear, pure water; lucid; glossy
U+6EE4strain out, filter
U+6EE5flood, overflow; excessive
U+6EE6river and county in Hebei province
U+6EE8beach, sea coast; river bank
U+6EE9bank, a sandbar, shoal; rapids
U+6EEAplace in Sichuan
U+6EEBwater in which rice has been boiled
U+6EECShanghai; river near Shanghai
U+6EEEflow; (Cant.) to ooze; to spurt
U+6EEFblock up, obstruct; stagnant
U+6EF2soak through, infiltrate
U+6EF4drip; drop of water
U+6EF7thick gravy, sauce, broth; brine
U+6EF8riverbank, shore
U+6EF9the bank of a steam
U+6EFEturn, roll, rotate; boil
U+6EFF滿fill; full, satisfied

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