Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+8000.

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U+8000耀shine, sparkle, dazzle; glory
U+8001old, aged; experienced
U+8002variant of radical 125
U+8003examine, test; investigate
U+8004elderly person; very old, senile
U+8005that which; he who; those who
U+8006man of sixty; aged, old
U+8007wrinkled face of the elderly
U+8008old age
U+8009old age
U+800Baged; in one's eighties
U+800Cand; and then; and yet; but
U+800Dfrolic, play, amuse, play with
U+800Eweak, pliable, soft, yielding
U+8010endure, bear; resist; patient
U+8011specialized; concentrated
U+8012handle of plow; plow; rad. 127
U+8014to hoe up the earth around plants
U+8015plow, cultivate
U+8017consume, use up; waste, squander
U+801Cspade-shaped tool; plow
U+8020till, dig
U+8022a kind of farm tool
U+8025farm tool
U+8026plow side by side; team of two
U+8027drill for sowing grain
U+8028hoe, rake; weed
U+8029to plough. to sow
U+802Aplow, cultivate
U+802Cdrill for sowing grain
U+802Dplow, cultivate
U+8030toothless rake for drawing earth over newly sown grain
U+8031a kind of farm tool
U+8033ear; merely, only; handle
U+8036used in transliteration
U+8037ears hanging down
U+8038urge on; rise up; stir, excite
U+803Anon-standard variant of 職 U+8077, duty, profession; office, post
U+803Bshame, humiliation; ashamed
U+803Cears without rim
U+803Dindulge in; be negligent
U+803Fbright, shining; have guts
U+8042whisper; surname
U+8043ears without rims; a personal name
U+8046listen, hear
U+804Asomewhat, slightly, at least
U+804Cduty, profession; office, post
U+8052clamor, din, hubbub
U+8054connect, join; associate, ally
U+8056holy, sacred; sage
U+8058engage, employ; betroth
U+805Aassemble, meet together, collect
U+805Dto cut the left ears of the slain
U+805Ehear; smell; make known; news
U+805Fson-in-law; husband
U+8061intelligent, clever, bright
U+8062certainly, definitely
U+8066the hearing, to listen; astute; clever; quick of apprehension
U+8068connect, join; associate, ally
U+806Aintelligent, clever, bright
U+806Bconnect, join; associate, ally
U+806Econnect, join; associate, ally
U+806Fconnect, join; associate, ally
U+8070intelligent, clever, bright
U+8071bent and twisted; too complicated
U+8072sound, voice, noise; tone; music
U+8073urge on; rise up; stir, excite; to raise up; lofty
U+8074hear, listen; understand; obey
U+8076whisper; surname
U+8077duty, profession; office, post
U+807Bdeath of a disembodied spirit; depraved
U+807Chear, listen; understand; obey
U+807Dhear, listen; understand; obey
U+807Fwriting brush, pencil; thereupon
U+8080pen; radical number 129
U+8083pay respects; reverently
U+8084learn, practice, study; toil
U+8085pay respects; reverently
U+8086indulge; excess; numeral four; particle meaning now, therefore; shop
U+8087begin, commence, originate
U+8088to commence; to found; to devise. at first. to originate. to strike
U+8089flesh; meat; KangXi radical 130
U+808Bribs; chest
U+808Cmuscle tissue; meat on bones
U+8090armpit, arms
U+8093region between heart and diaphragm
U+8095tough, strong, hard
U+8096look like, resemble, be like
U+8098the elbow; help a person shoulder a load
U+8099a small worm; to twist; to surround; empty
U+809Abelly; abdomen; bowels
U+809Cto sacrifice on two successive days
U+809Fan organic compound
U+80A0intestines; emotions; sausage
U+80A1thighs, haunches, rump; share
U+80A2human limbs; animal feet
U+80A4skin; superficial, shallow
U+80A5fat, plump, obese; fertile
U+80A6large head; many; high; to divide, to distribute
U+80A7embryo; unfinished things
U+80A8to swell; fat, swollen
U+80A9shoulders; to shoulder; bear
U+80AAanimal fat
U+80ABthe gizzard of a fowl; honest, sincere
U+80ACwart; tumor; goiter; papule
U+80ADfat; seal (moon radical DKW: 14342 is different)
U+80AFwilling; consent to, permit
U+80B2produce, give birth to; educate
U+80B3the corners of the mouth, the lips
U+80B4cooked or prepared meat
U+80B6(Cant.) leg, thigh
U+80B7area between waist and hips
U+80B8spread out; smilling or laughing
U+80B9(Cant.) vulgar, abusive term for female sex organ, cunt
U+80BDa chemical compound
U+80BEkidneys; testes, gizzard
U+80BFswell; swollen; swelling
U+80C0swell, inflate, expand
U+80C1ribs, armpits; flank; threaten
U+80C3stomach; gizzard of fowl
U+80C4helmet, headpiece; descendant
U+80C6gall bladder; bravery, courage
U+80CCback; back side; behind; betray
U+80CEunborn child, embryo, fetus
U+80D1the limbs; the upper arm; wings of birds; legs of animals
U+80D4rotten meat; bones of dead animals
U+80D6fat, obese; fatty
U+80D7pustules of any kind, a rash or eruption.measles; various kinds of fever
U+80D9meat offered in sacrifice to one's ancestors
U+80DAembryo; unfinished things
U+80DBthe shoulder, shoulder blade
U+80DCvictory; excel, be better than
U+80DDcallous, corn
U+80DEwomb, placenta, fetal membrane
U+80E0open; throw away
U+80E1recklessly, foolishly; wildly
U+80E4heir, successor; progeny, posterity
U+80E5all, together, mutually
U+80E6the navel
U+80E7condition or appearance of moon
U+80E8a kind of protein
U+80E9an organic compound
U+80EAarrange in order; display
U+80EBshinbone; calf of leg
U+80ECa disease's name in Chinese medicine
U+80EDrouge, cosmetics
U+80EEto swell
U+80EFpelvis; groin; thighs
U+80F0pancreas; soap
U+80F3armpit, arms
U+80F4the large intestine; the body
U+80F5(Cant.) 芙胵, the gizzard and liver of domestic fowl
U+80F6glue, gum, resin, rubber; sound; shin bone
U+80F7breast, chest, thorax; clamor
U+80F8breast, bosom, chest; thorax
U+80F9cooked; well-done
U+80FCcallus, calluses
U+80FDto be able; can, permitted to; ability
U+80FEminced meat; to cut meat into pieces

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