Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+8300.

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U+8300overgrown with grass, weedy
U+8301to sprout, flourish; sprouts appearing above-ground; vigorous
U+8302thick, lush, dense; talented
U+8303surname; bee-like insect
U+8305reeds, rushes, grass; surname
U+8306species of grass, water mallows
U+8307grass, thatch
U+8308a plant yielding a red dye
U+8309white jasmine
U+830Dto be circumspect, cautious in ones behaviour (distinguish DKW 30790 gou3)
U+830Estem, stalk
U+830Ftall grass; water-weeds
U+8311the convovulvus; parasitic plants such as mistletoe; Ribes ambiguum
U+8314grave, tomb, cemetery
U+8315alone; without friends or relativ
U+8316allium victorialis
U+8317tea; tea plant
U+8318a scallion, small onion
U+831Aan organic compound
U+831Cmadder, rubia cordifolia; reeds
U+831Efragrant plant; angelica
U+8320to weed; to eradicate
U+8322sedges; rushes
U+8323mat, matting
U+8326thorns, prickles
U+8327cocoon; callus, blister
U+8328thatching; caltrop, Tribulus terrestris
U+832Bvast, boundless, widespread
U+832Dan aquatic grass, the stalks of which are eaten as a vegetable
U+832Fchina root; medicinal fungus
U+8332now, here; this; time, year
U+8334fennel, aniseed
U+8335a cushion, mattress; wormwood; Skimmia japon
U+8337flutter; flower
U+8338soft, downy; buds, sprouts
U+8339roots; vegetables; eat; bear
U+8340surname; ancient state; plant
U+8343aromatic herb; fine cloth
U+8345answer: small bean; thick
U+8346thorns; brambles; my wife; cane
U+8347a water plant, Nymphoides peltalum
U+8349grass, straw, thatch, herbs
U+834Athorns; brambles; my wife; cane
U+834Dbuckwheat; herbal medicine
U+834Fbeans; soft, pliable; herb
U+8350repeat, reoccur; recommend
U+8351sprouts; tares
U+8352wasteland, desert; uncultivated
U+8358village, hamlet; villa; surname
U+8359plantago major
U+835Apods of leguminous plants; pods
U+835Bfuel, firewood; stubble; Wikstroemia japonica
U+835Cspecies of bean; piper longtum
U+835Fluxuriant, flourishing, abundant
U+8360water-chestnuts; caltrop
U+8361pond, pool; wash away, cleanse
U+8363glory, honor; flourish, prosper
U+8364meat diet; strong smelling
U+8365a county in Henan; the rising and dashing of waves
U+8366brindled ox; brindled in color
U+8367shine, shimmer; shining, dazzling
U+8369a kind of weed; faithfulness
U+836Aaromatic grass; iris, flower
U+836Bshade, shelter; protect
U+836Ca plant name
U+836Fleaf of Dahurian angelica plant; medicine
U+8373beans, peas; bean-shaped
U+8377lotus, water lily, holland
U+8378water chestnut
U+837Breed, Miscanthus saccariflorus
U+837Cbitter vegetable
U+8380to farm; a farmer; agriculture
U+8385attend, be present; arrive at
U+8386a kind of legendary tree
U+8389white jasmine
U+838Avillage, hamlet; villa; surname
U+838Ekind of sedge grass, used anciently for raincoats
U+8392hemp-like plant; taro; herb
U+8393moss; edible berries
U+8396stem, stalk
U+8398long; numerous; a marsh plant whose root is used for medicine
U+8399species of water plant
U+839Abamboo mat; feast, banquet
U+839Bstalks of grasses, etc.
U+839CAvena nuda; a bamboo basket
U+839Dto chop straw fine for animals
U+839Esmiling; a kind of aquatic herb, clubrush, Scirpus lacustris
U+839Fa bud
U+83A0weeds, tares; undesirable, evil
U+83A2pods of leguminous plants; pods
U+83A7edible greens; amaranth
U+83A8herb, Scopolia japonica
U+83A9membrane lining inside of reed
U+83ABdo not, is not, can not; negative
U+83B1goosefoot, weed; fallow field
U+83B2lotus, water lily; paradise
U+83B3transplant; plant; dill, Anethum graveolens
U+83B5dodder; creeper
U+83B7obtain, get, receive; seize
U+83B8caryopteris divaricata
U+83B9luster of gems; bright, lustrous
U+83BAoriole, green finch; Sylvia species (various)
U+83BCan edible water plant-brasenia
U+83BDthicket, underbrush; poisonous
U+83C0luxuriance of growth
U+83C1flower of leek family; turnip
U+83C5coarse grass, themedia forskali
U+83C9the green bamboo; greenish bamboo
U+83CCmushroom; germ, microbe
U+83CEbeautiful jade; bamboo
U+83CFriver in Shandong province
U+83D0a thicket
U+83D1to weed grass; land which has been under cultivation for one year
U+83D3fruits, nuts, berries
U+83D6iris, sweet flag, calamus
U+83D8celery, cabbage
U+83DCvegetables; dish, order; food
U+83DFdodder; creeper
U+83E0spinach and similar greens
U+83E1buds, lotus buds
U+83E2to incubate; to brood; to hatch
U+83E9herb, aromatic plant
U+83EBcelery, aconite
U+83EFflowery; illustrious; Chinese
U+83F0wild rice; Zizania latifolia
U+83F1water-chestnut, water caltrop
U+83F2fragrant, luxuriant; the Philippines
U+83F4small Buddhist monastery
U+83F6species of water plant; flower
U+83F8to fade; withered or dried leaves; tobacco (used for U+70DF 烟 and U+7159 煙)
U+83F9salted or pickled vegetables
U+83FBartemisia; (Cant.) a flower-bud
U+83FCrush or sedge
U+83FDbeans and peas, collectively

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