Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+9600.

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U+9600powerful and influential group
U+9601chamber, pavilion; cabinet
U+9602blocked or separated; to prevent
U+9603threshold; women's quarters
U+9604lots (to be drawn); draw lots
U+9605examine, inspect, review, read
U+9606high door; high gate; high, lofty
U+9607a Buddhist high priest
U+9608threshold; separated, confined
U+9609castrate; eunuch
U+960Agate of heaven; main gate of a palace
U+960Bfeud, fight, quarrel
U+960Cwen xiang, Henan province
U+960Dgatekeeper; gate, door
U+960Evillage gate; surname
U+960Fblock, obstruct, stop up
U+9610explain, clarify, elucidate
U+9611door screen; railing fence
U+9612alone; quiet, still
U+9613gate of a market
U+9614broad, ample, wide; be apart
U+9615close, shut; watch tower
U+9616close; whole, entire; all; leaf
U+9617a place in Xinjiang province
U+9618upper-story door or window
U+9619watch tower; palace
U+961Aglance, peep; roar, growl
U+961Bwall around market place
U+961Cmound; abundant, ample, numerous
U+961Dplace; KangXi radical 170
U+961Fteam, group; army unit
U+9621footpaths between fields; paths
U+9627sloping, steep; suddenly, abruptly
U+9628in distress; adverse; strategic; (Cant.) to swindle
U+962Ahillside farmland; slope
U+962Cpit, hole, shaft
U+962Eancient musical instrument: surname
U+962Ffoundation; site; address
U+9631pitfall, trap, snare
U+9632defend; prevent; embankment
U+9633'male' principle; light; sun
U+9634'female' principle; dark; secret
U+9635column, row or file of troops
U+9636stairs, steps; rank, degree
U+9638distress; difficulty
U+9639a pen; to surround
U+963Bimpede, hinder, obstruct; oppose
U+963Cthe steps leading to the eastern door
U+963Fprefix for people's names; used in transliteration
U+9640steep bank, rough terrain
U+9641a steep bank, a declivity
U+9642dam, embankment; reservoir
U+9644adhere to, append; rely on near to
U+9645border, boundary, juncture
U+9646land, continental; army
U+9647mountain located between Shanxi
U+9648exhibit, display; plead; a surname
U+9649defile, mountain pass, gorge
U+964Bnarrow; crude, coarse; ugly
U+964Cfoot path between rice fields
U+964Ddescend, fall, drop; lower, down
U+9650boundary, limit, line
U+9654a step, a terrace, a grade a ledge
U+9655mountain pass; Shanxi province
U+9657a steep hill; precipitous
U+9658defile, mountain pass, gorge
U+965Bsteps leading throne; throne
U+965Cnarrow; mountain pass
U+965Dmountain pass; Shaanxi province
U+965Epromote, rise, ascend
U+965Fclimb, scale, ascend; proceed
U+9661steep, sloping; abruptly, sudden
U+9662courtyard, yard, court; school
U+9663column, row or file of troops
U+9664eliminate, remove, except
U+9665submerge, sink, plunge; trap
U+9667in disorder; a dangerous condition of the State
U+9668fall, slip; let fall; die
U+9669narrow pass, strategic point
U+966Aaccompany, be with, keep company
U+966Ccorner, cranny, nook, niche
U+9670'female' principle; dark; secret
U+9672frontier, border
U+9673exhibit, display; plead; surname
U+9674a parapet on a city wall
U+9675hill, mound; mausoleum
U+9676pottery, ceramics
U+9677submerge, sink, plunge; trap
U+9678land, continental; army; an accounting form of U+516D 六 (six)
U+967Anarrow pass, strategic point
U+967Bsmall hill, mound; bury; dam
U+967D'male' principle; light; sun
U+967Ein file
U+9682shady, secret, dark; mysterious; cold; the negative of female principle in nature
U+9683to exceed; a state in Shanxi province
U+9684dike, embankment
U+9685corner, nook, remote place
U+9686prosperous, plentiful, abundant
U+9688cove, bay, inlet
U+9689in disorder; a dangerous condition of the State
U+968Ateam, group; army unit
U+968BSui dynasty; surname
U+968Ddry ditch, dry moat
U+968Estairs, steps; rank, degree
U+968Ffollow, listen to, submit to
U+9690hide, conceal; hidden, secret
U+9692the appearance of a mountain, as if two pots were standing one upon the other; the steep bank of a stream a rough mountain path
U+9694separate, partition
U+9695fall, slip; let fall; die
U+9696entrenchment, bank, low wall
U+9697high; lofty; surname
U+9698narrow, confined; a strategic pass
U+9699crack, split, fissure; grudge
U+969Bborder, boundary, juncture
U+969Cseparate; shield; barricade
U+969Ddock, entrenchment, low wall
U+96A0to hide, conceal, cover; to disappear, lurk; an open secret
U+96A3neighbor; neighboring; adjacent
U+96A4to fall in ruins; to collapse
U+96A7tunnel, underground passageway, path to a tomb
U+96A8follow, listen to, submit; to accompany; subsequently, then
U+96A9profound, subtle; warm
U+96AAnarrow pass, strategic point, dangerous
U+96AEti rise up; a rainbow; to fall
U+96B0low, damp land, marsh, swamp
U+96B1hide, conceal; hidden, secret
U+96B2stallion; promote
U+96B3to destroy; to overthrow
U+96B4mountain located between Shanxi
U+96B6subservient; servant; KangXi radical 171
U+96B7be subservient to; servant
U+96B8be subservient to; servant
U+96B9bird; KangXi radical 172
U+96BAa bird flying high ambition
U+96BBsingle, one of pair, lone
U+96BCaquiline (nose); a falcon
U+96BDsuperior, outstanding, talented
U+96BEdifficult, arduous, hard; unable
U+96C1wild goose
U+96C4male of species; hero; manly
U+96C5elegant, graceful, refined
U+96C6assemble, collect together
U+96C7employ, to hire
U+96C9pheasant; crenellated wall
U+96CAthe crow of a male pheasant
U+96CBsuperior, outstanding, talented
U+96CCfemale; feminine; gentle, soft
U+96CDharmony, union; harmonious
U+96CEosprey, fishhawk; hold back
U+96CFchick, fledging; infant, toddler
U+96D1mixed, blended; mix, mingle
U+96D2black horse with white mane
U+96D5engrave, inlay, carve; exhaust; used for U+9D70 鵰 an eagle, vulture
U+96D6although, even if
U+96D7a white pheasant
U+96D8dye made from red soil; ochre
U+96D9set of two, pair, couple; both
U+96DAa heron; small cup
U+96DBchick, fledging; infant, toddler
U+96DCmixed, blended; mix, mingle
U+96DDmarsh; pool; harmonious
U+96DEchickens; domestic fowl
U+96DFsparrow; revolve; place name
U+96E0enemy, rival, opponent
U+96E2leave, depart; go away; separate
U+96E3difficult, arduous, hard; unable
U+96E8rain; rainy; KangXi radical 173
U+96E9offer sacrifice for rain
U+96EAsnow; wipe away shame, avenge
U+96EBa drop, trickle, dripping
U+96EFcloud patterns, coloring of cloud
U+96F0atmosphere; mist, fog
U+96F1snowing heavily
U+96F2clouds; Yunnan province
U+96F3thunderclap, crashing thunder
U+96F6zero; fragment, fraction
U+96FBelectricity, electric; lightning
U+96FEfog, mist, vapor, fine spray

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