Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+9800.

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U+9801page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181
U+9802top, peak; carry on head; very
U+9803a moment; a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean
U+9805neck, nape of neck; sum; funds
U+9806obey, submit to, go along with
U+9807large face, flat face; stupid
U+9808must, have to, necessary; moment; whiskers
U+9809cheeks; jaw; chin; rear; nourish
U+980Agrieved; anxious
U+980Bto care for, to look after to regard; to turn the head round to look
U+980Claud, acclaim; hymn; ode
U+980Dto raise one's head
U+980Etall and slim
U+980Ffly down or downward
U+9810prepare, arrange; in advance
U+9811obstinate, stubborn; recalcitrant
U+9812confer, bestow; publish, promulgate
U+9813pause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange
U+9814good and beautiful
U+9815(Cant.) to raise the head
U+9816Zhou dynasty school; disperse; fall apart
U+9817lean one side; very, rather
U+9818neck; collar; lead, guide
U+981Aneck, throat
U+981Cmouth; jaw
U+981E(nose) bridge
U+981Fthe forehead; a fixed number
U+9821fly upward, soar; contest; to rob
U+9823to view others with raised eyes
U+9824cheeks; jaw; chin; rear; to nourish
U+982Bbow; nod; condescend
U+982Ccheeks, jaw
U+982Dhead; top; chief, first; boss
U+9830cheeks, jaw
U+9834rice tassel; sharp point; clever
U+9835(Cant.) 大頭頵, a big head
U+9837chin, jowl; give nod
U+9838neck, throat
U+9839ruined, decayed; disintegrate
U+983Bfrequently, again and again
U+983Crely, depend on; accuse falsely
U+9846grain, kernel
U+9847be worn out, be haggard
U+984Blower part of face; jaw; gills of a fish
U+984Cforehead; title, headline; theme
U+984Dforehead; tablet, plaque; fixed
U+984Fface, facial appearance
U+9852solemn, large, grand, majestic
U+9853good, honest; simple; respectful
U+9854face, facial appearance
U+9855manifest, display; evident, clear
U+9856top of the head; skull
U+9858desire, want; wish; ambition
U+9859the forehead; to kowtow
U+985Atop, peak, summit; upset
U+985Btop, peak, summit; upset
U+985Eclass, group, kind, category
U+9862dawdling; thoughtless, careless
U+9865luminous; white, hoary
U+9866be worn-out, emaciated, haggard
U+9867look back; look at; look after
U+986Bshiver, tremble; trembling
U+986Cthe temporal bone
U+986Fmanifest, display; evident, clear
U+9870frown, knit brows; with knitted
U+9873the temporal bone
U+9874cheek bones
U+9875page, sheet, leaf; rad. no. 181
U+9876top, summit, peak; to carry on the head
U+9877a moment; a measure of area equal to 100 mu or 6.7 hectares; to lean
U+9878large face, flat face; stupid
U+9879neck, nape of neck; sum; funds
U+987Aobey, submit to, go along with
U+987Bmust, have to, necessary
U+987Dobstinate, stubborn; recalcitrant
U+987Elook back; look at; look after
U+987Fpause, stop; bow, kowtow; arrange
U+9880tall and slim
U+9881confer, bestow; publish, promulgate
U+9882laud, acclaim; hymn; ode
U+9883fly down or downward
U+9884prepare, arrange; in advance
U+9886neck; collar; lead, guide
U+9887lean one side; very, rather
U+9888neck, throat
U+9889fly upward, soar; contest
U+988Acheeks, jaw
U+988Cmouth; jaw
U+988Driver in Anhui
U+9890cheeks; jaw; chin; rear; to nourish
U+9891frequently, again and again
U+9893ruined, decayed; disintegrate
U+9894chin, jowl; give nod
U+9895rice tassel; sharp point; clever
U+9896rice tassel; sharp point; clever
U+9897grain, kernel
U+9898forehead; title, headline; theme
U+9899solemn, large, grand, majestic
U+989Bgood, honest; simple; respectful
U+989Cface, facial appearance
U+989Dforehead; tablet, plaque; fixed
U+989Ethe temporal bone
U+989Fdawdling; thoughtless, careless
U+98A0top, peak, summit; upset
U+98A1the forehead; to kowtow
U+98A2luminous; white, hoary
U+98A4shiver, tremble; trembling
U+98A5the temporal bone
U+98A6frown, knit brows; with knitted
U+98A7cheek bones
U+98A8wind; air; manners, atmosphere
U+98AA(Japanese) wind blowing down from the mountains
U+98ABa storm
U+98ADsway in wind
U+98AEstorm whirlwind
U+98AFthe sound of the wind; bleak; melancholy
U+98B3to blow
U+98B6cyclone, typhoon, gale
U+98B8cool breeze of autumn
U+98BAsoar, fly, float; scatter
U+98BBfloating in air, drifting with wind
U+98BCsound of wind; blow chilly
U+98BEblowing of the wind
U+98C0soughing of wind; noise
U+98C2wind in high places
U+98C3whirlwind, cyclone; floating
U+98C4whirlwind, cyclone; floating
U+98C6whirlwind, stormy gale
U+98C7whirlwind, stormy gale
U+98CEwind; air; manners, atmosphere
U+98CFsoar, fly, float; scatter
U+98D0sway in wind
U+98D2the sound of the wind; bleak; melancholy
U+98D3cyclone, typhoon, gale
U+98D4cool breeze of autumn
U+98D5sound of wind; blow chilly
U+98D6floating in air, drifting with wind
U+98D7soughing of wind; noise
U+98D8whirlwind, cyclone; floating
U+98D9whirlwind, stormy gale
U+98DBfly; go quickly; dart; high
U+98DCflip over, upset, capsize
U+98DEfly; go quickly; dart; high
U+98DFeat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184
U+98E0eat, food; radical number 184
U+98E1meal; eat
U+98E2hunger, starving; hungry; a famine
U+98E3display food for show only; sacrifice
U+98E4to feed; provisions
U+98E5rice cake
U+98E6well-boiled congee or gruel; thick, rich
U+98E7evening meal, supper; cooked food
U+98E8host banquet; banquet
U+98E9stuffed dumplings
U+98EAcooked food; cook until well done
U+98EBsurfeited, satiated; confer
U+98EDorder; command; give command
U+98EEdrink; swallow; kind of drink
U+98EFcooked rice; food; meal
U+98F1evening meal
U+98F2drink; swallow; kind of drink
U+98F4sweet-meats; sweet-cakes; syrup
U+98F5(Cant.) food; profit
U+98FCraise animals; feed; nourish
U+98FDeat heartily; eat one's fill
U+98FEdecorate, ornament, adorn; to deceive

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