Unified Han Character Definitions Page U+F900.

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U+F900how? what?
U+F901more, still further, much more
U+F902cart, vehicle; carry in cart
U+F903surname; merchant; buy, trade
U+F904slip, slide; slippery, polished
U+F905string; relatives; conspire
U+F907turtle or tortoise; cuckold
U+F908turtle or tortoise; cuckold
U+F909deed, contract, bond; engrave
U+F90Agold; metals in general; money
U+F90Bhorn, bugle; lama; final particle
U+F90Cbut, how; bear, stand, endure
U+F90Dlazy, languid, listless
U+F90Eleprosy, scabies, mange; shoddy
U+F90Fnet for catching birds; gauze
U+F910type of creeping plant; turnip
U+F911spiral shell; conch; spiral
U+F912bare, nude; undress, strip
U+F913patrol; inspect; watch
U+F914happy, glad; enjoyable; music
U+F915river in Shanxi province; city
U+F916brand, burn; branding iron
U+F917kind of necklace
U+F918fall, drop; net income, surplus
U+F919cream, cheese; koumiss
U+F91Awhite horse with black mane; camel
U+F91Bconfusion, state of chaos; create chaos, revolt
U+F91Cegg; ovum; roe; spawn
U+F91Drailing, balustrade; animal pan
U+F91Erotten, spoiled, decayed
U+F91Forchid; elegant, graceful
U+F920fabulous bird
U+F921mountain mist, mountain haze
U+F922flood, overflow; excessive
U+F923blue; indigo plant; surname
U+F924ragged, tattered, threadbare
U+F925pull, drag; seize, hold; lengthen
U+F926year end sacrifice; dried meat
U+F927wax; candle; waxy, glazed
U+F928corridor, porch, veranda
U+F929clear, bright; distinct
U+F92Awave; wasteful, reckless
U+F92Cgentleman, young man; husband
U+F92Dcome, coming; return, returning
U+F92Ecold, cool; lonely
U+F92Flabor, toil, do manual work
U+F930capture, seize
U+F931oar, scull; row
U+F932fireplace, stove, oven, furnace
U+F933cottage, hut; surname; black
U+F934old, aged; experienced
U+F935rushes, reeds
U+F936capture, imprison, seize; prison
U+F937road, path, street; journey
U+F938dew; bare, open, exposed
U+F939foolish, stupid, rash; vulgar
U+F93Aheron, egret
U+F93Brough, uneven, rocky; mediocre
U+F93Cblessing, happiness, prosperity
U+F93Dgreen; chlorine
U+F93Ethe green bamboo; greenish bamboo
U+F93F錄copy, write down, record
U+F940deer; surname; KangXi radical 198
U+F941debate; discuss; discourse
U+F942grave, mound; ridge in field
U+F943do, play or fiddle with; alley
U+F944cage; cage-like basket
U+F946prison; stable, pen; secure
U+F947pile of rocks or stones; great
U+F948bribe; give present
U+F94Arampart, military wall
U+F94Bfrequently, often, again and again
U+F94Cbuilding of two or more stories
U+F94Dtears; weep, cry
U+F94Eleak, drip; funnel; hour glass
U+F94Ftired; implicate, involve; bother
U+F950thread; detailed, precise
U+F951narrow; crude, coarse; ugly
U+F952strangle, tighten
U+F953ribs; chest
U+F954shiver with cold or fear, fearful
U+F955pure; virtuous; insult; maltreat
U+F956corner, edge, angle; square block
U+F957thin silk, damask silk
U+F958water-chestnut, water caltrop
U+F959hill, mound; mausoleum
U+F95Aread, study; pronounce
U+F95Btake; bring; grasp, hold; arrest
U+F95Chappy, glad; enjoyable; music
U+F95Dpromise; assent, approve
U+F95Ecinnabar (native HgS); vermilion (artificial HgS used as pigment)
U+F95Frepose, serenity, peace; peaceful
U+F960anger, rage, passion; angry
U+F961to lead; ratio; rate; limit
U+F962different, unusual, strange
U+F963north; northern; northward
U+F964a tributary of the Wei river in Shanxi
U+F965convenience, ease; expedient
U+F966return; repeat; repeatedly
U+F967no, not; un-; negative prefix
U+F968to seep out, excrete
U+F969number; several; count; fate
U+F96Alarge rope, cable; rules, laws
U+F96Btake part in, intervene
U+F96Cstop up, block. seal, cork
U+F96Dprovince; save, economize
U+F96Eleaf, petal; page of book; period
U+F96Fspeak, say, talk; scold, upbraid
U+F970kill, slaughter, murder; hurt
U+F971early morning
U+F972sink, submerge; addicted to; name
U+F973pick up, collect, tidy up; ten
U+F974if, supposing, assuming; similar
U+F975rob, ransack, plunder; pass by
U+F976approximately, roughly; outline
U+F977bright, brilliant, radiant, light
U+F978two, both, pair, couple; ounce
U+F979cool, cold; disheartened
U+F97Abridge; beam; rafters; surname
U+F97Bfood, grain, provisions
U+F97Cgood, virtuous, respectable
U+F97Dexcuse, forgive; guess, presume
U+F97Emeasure, quantity, capacity
U+F97F勵strive; encourage
U+F980surname; a musical note
U+F981woman, girl; feminine; rad. 38
U+F982hut, cottage; name of a mountain
U+F983trip, journey; travel; traveler
U+F984strain out, filter
U+F985whetstone; sharpen
U+F986village of twenty-five families
U+F987a pure black horse; a pair of horses
U+F988beautiful, magnificent, elegant
U+F989surname; numerous, many; black
U+F98Apower, capability, influence
U+F98Bcalendar, era
U+F98Ctake place, past, history
U+F98Drun over something with a vehicle
U+F98Eyear; new-years; person's age
U+F98Fpity, sympathize
U+F990love; long for, yearn for; love
U+F991twirl in fingers, tease, toy with
U+F992flowing water; ripples; weeping
U+F993smelt, refine; distill, condense
U+F994vessel used to hold grain offerings
U+F995year; new-years; person's age
U+F996practice, drill, exercise, train
U+F997connect, join; associate, ally
U+F998a hand-cart; to transport by carriage
U+F999lotus, water lily; paradise
U+F99Ajoin, connect; continuous; even
U+F99Bsmelt metals, forge; refine
U+F99Ca line; to arrange in order, classify
U+F99Dbad, inferior; slightly
U+F99Ethroat; pharynx
U+F99Ffiery, violent, vehement, ardent
U+F9A0split, crack, break open; rend
U+F9A1speak, say, talk; scold, upbraid
U+F9A2upright, honorable, honest
U+F9A3think of, recall, study
U+F9A4to twist, nip with the fingers
U+F9A5dress corpse for burial
U+F9A6a blind, screen, curtain
U+F9A7hunt; field sports
U+F9A8command, order; 'commandant', magistrate; allow, cause
U+F9A9prison, enclosure
U+F9AArepose, serenity, peace; peaceful
U+F9ABmountain ridge, mountain peak
U+F9ACpity, sympathize
U+F9ADtinkling of jade
U+F9AElustre of gems; bright, lustrous
U+F9AFspecies of antelope
U+F9B0listen, hear
U+F9B2zero; fragment, fraction
U+F9B3spirit, soul; spiritual world
U+F9B4neck; collar; lead, guide
U+F9B5precedent, example; regulation
U+F9B6social custom; manners; courtesy; rites
U+F9B7sweet wine; sweet spring
U+F9B8be subservient to; servant
U+F9B9evil, wicked, bad, foul
U+F9BAto finish; particle of completed action
U+F9BBofficials; bureaucracy
U+F9BCshanty, hut, shack
U+F9BDurine; urinate
U+F9BEconsider, conjecture; material
U+F9BF樂happy, glad; enjoyable; music
U+F9C0to burn, set afire; to illuminate; a signal lamp
U+F9C1be healed, cured, recover
U+F9C2smartweed, polygonum
U+F9C3distant, far
U+F9C4dragon; symbolic of emperor
U+F9C5halo in sky; fog; dizzy, faint
U+F9C6ancient musical instrument; surname
U+F9C7surname; kill, destroy
U+F9C8ligustrum sinenese, tree
U+F9C9willow tree; pleasure
U+F9CAflow, circulate, drift; class
U+F9CBslide, glide, slip; slippery
U+F9CCsparkling stone; glazed, opaque
U+F9CDstop, halt; stay, detain, keep
U+F9CFknot; button; handle, knob; tie
U+F9D0class, group, kind, category
U+F9D1number six
U+F9D2kill, massacre; oppress
U+F9D3land, continental; army
U+F9D4normal human relationships
U+F9D5Kunlun mountains in Jiangsu
U+F9D6be lost; sink, be submerged
U+F9D7wheel; revolve, turn; recur
U+F9D8statute, principle, regulation
U+F9D9shiver, shudder, tremble; tremble
U+F9DAchestnut tree, chestnuts; surname
U+F9DBto lead; ratio; rate; limit
U+F9DCprosperous, plentiful, abundant
U+F9DDgains, advantage, profit, merit
U+F9DEgovernment official, magistrate
U+F9DFfootwear, shoes; walk on, tread
U+F9E0change; easy
U+F9E1plum; judge; surname
U+F9E2pear; opera; cut, slash
U+F9E3mud, mire; earth, clay; plaster
U+F9E4reason, logic; manage
U+F9E6sorrow, grief; incur, meet with
U+F9E7inside, interior, within
U+F9E8inside, interior, within
U+F9E9unit of distance; village; lane
U+F9EAleave, depart; go away; separate
U+F9EBhide; go into hiding
U+F9ECdrown; submerge in water; indulge
U+F9EDstingy, miserly, parsimonious
U+F9EFluster of jade
U+F9F0rush used in making mats; surname
U+F9F1neighbor; neighboring; adjacent
U+F9F2fish scales
U+F9F3female of Chinese unicorn
U+F9F4forest, grove; surname
U+F9F5drip, soak, drench; perfectly
U+F9F6draw near, approach; descend
U+F9F7stand; let stand; establish, set
U+F9F8bamboo hat; bamboo covering
U+F9F9grain; small particle
U+F9FAform; appearance; shape; official
U+F9FBroast, broil; toast; cauterize
U+F9FCrecognize, understand, know
U+F9FDfile of ten soldiers
U+F9FF刺stab; prick, irritate; prod

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